Wake Surfing

swell history

The progression of Wake Surfing and how you can get started

what is it?

a water sport in which a rider trails behind a boat, riding the boat's wake 
without being directly pulled by the boat. After getting up on the wake, typically by use of a tow rope, the wakesurfers will drop the rope, and ride the steep face below the wave's peak in a fashion reminiscent of surfing.



The origins of wakesurfing are somewhat disputed with multiple people and companies claiming to be at the genesis of the sport. Footage and print media from the 1950's and 1960's show ocean surfers actively riding surfboards behind motor boats. By the mid 60's numerous surfboard manufactures laid claims to building wake specific boards



Footage and print media from the 1950's and 1960's show ocean surfers actively riding surfboards behind motor boats. By the mid 60's numerous surfboard manufactures laid claims to building wake specific boards. This in turn provided an opportunity for wakesurfing to emerge from the shadows. such as Tim Lopes, Jerry Price, Jeff Page, Rick Lee, Mark Sher, and others are noted with being at the forefront of modern wakesurfing.

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how to do it!

The wakesurfer typically begins by sitting in the water with the wakesurf board and rope in hand on the side of the wake they intend to surf.To begin the wakesurfer will place his feet on top of the floating board about shoulder width apart .The boat will then move forward slightly to take the slack out of the rope, surfer then pushes heels down and feels the  boat effortlessly pull them into a standing position behind the boat.  

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